
香港首間小號 Trumpet 為主的服務中心

Our Video What News
2022-01-28   8yr old Geoff Gallante
2021-06-06   trumpet maintenance
2012-06-07   Trumpet Periodic Maintenance
2020-07-23   在疫情期間學生也可選擇以zoom/whtapp上課
2017-07-17   短期優惠計劃!
2015-05-20   神級小號大師赫登伯格將帶大家穿梭演奏銅管樂!!
2014-03-10   enjoy live Jazz on Mar 29 with Adrian Kelly and Scott Dodd together!
2014-03-10   Trumpet Master Class on 28 Feb
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小號 (Trumpet)是銅管樂器家族成員之一,又可稱為小喇叭 。 小號是銅管樂器成員中音域最高的樂器 。小號 (Trumpet)在軍樂團、管弦樂團、管樂團、爵士大樂團發揮重要的角色。小號 (Trumpet) 家族成員包括Bb, C, D, Eb, E, F, G 和A 調,最常見的小號為Bb調,亦是最多初學小號學生揀選的。小號(Trumpet)吹奏者通過控制咀唇間的空隙,呼氣量及震動的力度來改變音量、音調及音色

Why Play Trumpet

The trumpet is the highest brass instrument. A musician who plays the trumpet is called a trumpet player or trumpeter. The most common trumpet by far is a transposing instrument pitched in B flat. The trumpet is made of brass tubing bent into a rough spiral. New beginner trumpets (sometimes also called student trumpets) can retail for $3000 or more. If you are on a tight budget, consider purchasing a used trumpet. Many music stores offer used trumpets and can assist you in choosing the right fit trumpet .
More Why Play Trumpet...


首先清除小號管體內的口水,可按下活塞鍵子,使氣流暢通後,拔掉調音管,將小號管體內口水清理乾淨。 用小號清潔布 (Polishing Cloth) 輕輕擦拭小號表面 請勿將小號吹嘴強壓進吹口管中,組裝時稍微旋轉吹嘴及吹口管即可。請不要嘗試自己來調整小號,任何調較動作應交由合格以及有經驗的小號維修員或維修店處理。不要在小號盒內放置樂譜、書本等雜物以免傷害樂器。

Trumpet Maintenance tips

Your trumpet mouthpiece should not have any dents in the end of the shank. If you notice any dents in your trumpet mouthpiece you should immediately take it to a technician for repair. Always store your trumpet in its case with the lid closed when not in use. This will prevent any excess tarnishing and lower the risk of damage. Always consult your trumpet teacher if you are not sure how to apply trumpet slide grease. You should grease your slide at least once a month. You should not wash the inside of your trumpet.
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吹奏小號Trumpet 前,我們該做什麼? 1. 聆聽 2. 思考 3. 比較與學習。 小號與木管樂器兩者最大的差異是後者有簧片作為發聲工具,但小號只能靠吹奏者本身的咀唇發聲。小號的吹奏,咀型是十分重要的基礎,想讓咀唇完整的振動,可先將上下排牙齒一致平整的狀態,這樣咀才能上下平整的。初期在進行小號咀型練習時,可利用一些輔助工具,如利用一根吸管或筷子將將其放置咀唇中央。

Trumpet Performance tips

Breathing is key to making sounds on a trumpet. Before starting any trumpet playing, blow air through the horn, to "warm up" the instrument and assume the correct embrouchure. The most important tip of all is find a competent trumpet teacher. Your trumpet may have what looks like a pinky ring. This ring is for players that may have more experience. It is used to tune any note holding down the third valve better.
More Trumpet Performance tips...
香港小號中心是香港首間以小號為主的服務中心, 提供小號課程, 小號維修服務, 小號介紹, 小號保養智識, 小號演奏技巧, 小號導師介紹, 香港小號合奏團, 小號演奏會, 小號大師班, 小號活動, 二手小號買賣及音樂室租用
About Hong Kong Trumpet Center
Hong Kong Trumpet Center provide trumpet course, trumpet tutor, Hong Kong Trumpet Choir, Trumpet Maintenance tips, Trumpet repair service, Trumpet activities, Second hand trumpet retail, Trumpet retail, Trumpet Master class, Trumpet event, Trumpet concert
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